The phrase use to describe an awesome, but highly radioactive person with a lightsaber.
Look at this fine Obi-Wan Chernobyl, not for too long though, the radiation will melt your eyes.
by TheEugeneHunter January 14, 2017
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A hand job from a woman with no hands.
I got a Chernobyl Stump Stroke from this chick last night... took freakin' forever.
by OneTimeOnlySeriously July 27, 2011
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The Chernobyl Uranium Stainium is when one shits in their pants so hard it has to be considered a nuclear accident.
You hear about John's Chernobyl Uranium Stainium?
by Coco puffs chomper December 3, 2020
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When there are all the warning signs which you ignore until its too late, the situation then goes critical and blows up in your face.

Typically relates to men chasing women that are just no good, who ignore all the warning signs and red flags only to find out that they are in fact a gold digger.
Dude 1: Oh had such a good weekend with Catherine
Dude 2: Really ?
Dude 1: Yeah, ended up paying for it tho, from the taxi there to the taxi back, drinks, dinner, lent her some money etc
Dude 2: Man, this is more than a reg flag situation, you have yourself a Chernobyl Control Panel.
by Christopherusly May 13, 2012
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I don’t know the meaning .because I’m living under a rock :(. I hope someone explains it.
-_- =( sorry.(I can count how many times I've been to Chernobyl on one hand - 8)
by Ramdomised Pseudonym December 14, 2019
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To reduce the price of food because it's damaged or nearing it's use by date. Or to discount something to sell it fast.
The orange juice was chernobylized by 50%, so I bought 12 litres.
by tromco April 15, 2014
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A common name for cows milk in the late 80's on account of the fact that when the reactor 4 blew it's lid in 1986 and spewed all sorts of really nasty shite into the atmosphere, the prevailing weather at the time was unusually and unfortunately coming from the east and thus carried tons of highly toxic radiation 1500 miles west to the UK whereupon it pissed down onto our fields, the cows ate it, turned it into milk and then we poured it in out tea,
Customer: I've forgot my glasses mate, what's the Best Before date on this pint of Chernobyl Soup?
Grocer: 26th April 21986 mate. After that it starts to lose a bit of it's glow.
by Stengo Malengo August 26, 2021
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