Men named Carter tend to be extremely talented. They have a voice that makes you swoon and a charm that leaves you blushing for days. If you are lucky enough to know a Carter, hold onto him. He will leave you smiling from ear to ear and you won't be able to concentrate on anything else. Your mind will wonder to him when you're doing almost anything. Don't be surprised if you're at a party and all you can think about is texting him. Carters are very funny and keep you laughing with their goofiness. They are very attractive and will keep you wanting more. You probably will not be able to keep your hands off of him. He is also an amazing kisser so be prepared. Don't be afraid to say what's on your mind when talking to a Carter, they're easy to talk to and will not judge you. So, if you have a Carter in your life, do not let him go♡
Me: I literally have never been so happy in my entire life.
Emily: Why???
Me: Well I've been talking to Carter and he basically erases everything negative in my life.
Emily: Wow goals, we love how that won't ever happen to me.
Me: *Eye roll*
by CARTERSGIRL October 29, 2019
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My main Wigga! Carter strives to eat some good ass and scavenge around the hood whilst he crashed airplanes into the ocean in GTA V. His mentor: Mary is a one of a kind dick swinger and WAP exhibitionist who likes to eat a salad with Carter when they go to a UAB football game. So in the end, yes, Tom Buchanan is a dick to Daisy because he wants to lick her tongue.
Rat chef? Oh Carter faster!
by HeftyHeftyHefty October 4, 2020
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Girl- A beautiful, strong girl who has a lot to deal with but does it with a smile on her face. Carters are good actresses, so study their face carefully, because they could be smiling on the outside, but in deep pain on the inside (Their eyes usually give it away). She's the girl all the guys are after. Secretly, she's insecure, but not much. She doesn't like to tell people how she's feeling, or her problems, so if she suddenly erupts at meaningless things, then that's why, give her a break. Carters are smart, sweet, interesting, random, crazy, fun to be around, and very very pretty, even if she doesn't think so.damn prettiest girl you will ever meet. She might not be the sexiest on the outside (but trust me, she WILL have a great body) but she is beautiful through and through. Great personality and character. Very determined and smart. Also pretty physically fit. You can usually find Carter's rowing or swimming. Carter is shy, so make the first move.
Boy - is that carter?

Boys best friend- yes she looks stunning rn
Boy-yeah sexy
by Potatoesofamarica March 28, 2018
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a domination station of a football player, normally wears the number 55, likes electronics, nice cars, fine, clothes, and fine women
guy 1- dude you see Carter at the game he freaking dominated
guy 2- ya i saw him he left with my girl in his porsche
by DCkiszka January 12, 2009
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a guy who only dates a girl to piss off his ex girlfiend
carter; i only dated emily to make hallie mad
by Emily Mccoy March 28, 2017
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Carter is a straight out dick sometimes when he gets pissed off you really don’t wanna mess with him. Carter usually doesn’t really care what people think about him or anything else like that, he is so fricken hot he gets hella girls but some are ugly and some are hot as fuck. But he only goes for the girls he truly loves, carter respects women and treats them with the respect they deserve. Carter is an amazing athlete he majors huge is mostly football or in hockey.

All together carter is an amazingly talented guy and it’s very kind and respectful.
Carter is amazing
by Know it alll April 5, 2018
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Carter is the type of boyfriend who is very sweet to you, talks to you all day everyday, loves you, takes care of you, cuddles you from behind, reminds you every 5 sounds he loves you, and would do anything for you. He is also loved by everyone especially his girlfriend (Haylie) He makes you fall for him everyday and makes sure you're okay all the time. No matter what happens he always tells you he loves you. He also is trust worthy, helpfully, funny and cool. He's the best man in the world. And he's a GREAT boyfriend!
I love Carter so much.
I love Carter so much, love his girlfriend Haylie.
by Haycar October 27, 2018
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