before recieveing dome, apply carmel to the man's dick and then get dome
Rocky got carmel dome from some random girl at the theater.
by Vidooo January 23, 2009
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white women who got "conections" with black men....

an EXTREMELY derogatory term, when said to a women in any means; unless woman a slut/whor!
Wow! She's the carmel fudge.
by Oxford Classified Dictionary November 20, 2003
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the sexual act involving a prosthetic leg and melted carmel. While boning the amputee, remove the prosthesis, ram it into your partners ass and pour carmel on their head. One variation is the "Pirate's Carmel Apple." In this permutation, immediately after turning your partner into a carmel apple you shout "Harrrrrr!!!!" like a pirate in honor of your partner's peg leg.
I was boning Heather Mills when I pulled off her fake leg, rammed it into her ass, and poured carmel over her head. She wasn't too keen on being a Carmel Apple.
by Turde Ferguson October 4, 2009
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The lamest Catholic school in the world full of mostly sluts and hoodlums.
Student population: 63, slut population: 60.
Consists only of caucasian students, yet so ghetto that it's ceiling crumbles whenever the seasons change.
So out of control even the nuns left.
The boys are so gayy, they dont even have sports teams. And the girls kick ass.
"Ohh, those M.C girls is hella whack"

"If your 16 and prego, you most likely attend Mount Carmel Catholic High School"

"Rarely do you find hott people, theres like 5 in the whole school."

"If your fat or pregnant you must go to MC."
by fab5 April 4, 2009
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A hole in your pocket for the use of touching or playing with yourself. Generally found in men's pants.
I'm jackin it through my carmel hole!
by not my real name69 April 19, 2010
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A female's big booty shaped like a apple, known as a "applebottom", that is the shade of carmel. Mostly common with big bootied light-skinned black or latino girls
by Antonio Daniels July 11, 2008
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The place where all the valley kooks live. All of the Douch bag jocks go surfing in del mar and trash the beach. And the home of the sophmores that say the word "FUCK" all the time.
sophmore1: yo man Lets go to the fucking highlands in carmel valley
sophmore2: no fucking way man, there are to many fucking fuck freshman there
sophmore1: Fine, then I'll go to my fuck home and watch fucking porn with my fuck girlfriend
by none of you buis April 11, 2008
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