So gay all the boys are coming his way
Man1 I'm nothing like Cade

Man2: I am just like Cade

Man3:I'm straight as it gets, sorry Cade
by #catsarecrazy January 28, 2018
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A boys name who has dark features ( hair, eyes, and semi-bushy eyebrows) but has skin on the lighter side, he isn’t super tall but he isn’t short. he’s called gay but Denies it ( even tho he is ), and gets attached to people easily even if he pretends to hate them ( which he is good at ) he’s very smart and likes bigger words . He likes rap and pop music . He’s obsessed with getting good grades , but he wishes he would be more chill about it. He cares about himself a little bit more than others , but he puts you first. Over all he is a nice, but bitchy, secretive and sometimes clingy person.
Girl 1 : I love Cade’s personality

Girl 2 : WTF he’s a bitch , but I guess I could see your point of view.
by _Brindletin_ February 11, 2018
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A dick loving faggot who eats out gay dads on the weekends.
#dadlove #faggot
by Cream maker 666 221 December 15, 2017
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She's the most beautiful girl you will ever see. Every tiny detail is perfect and her personality is equally as amazing.
You wonder how it is that a person this amazing can exist, but find yourself just appreciating the fact that she exists, and even better yet, that you know her. Shes absolutely crazy and you find yourself loving her no matter what. Everyone is jealous of a Cadee and would kill just to look and act a tiny bit like her.
by G.H.H. August 26, 2009
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A guy who is chill and funny in a sort of commenty way. Very laid back. Smart as a person, he looks really thinky all the time it makes you wonder whats going on in his head. Hes different and seems more real than everyone around him. He wears pretty casual clothes has a curvy back thing like it slants at this one point and his shirt hangs loosely on him. Hes not what most girls would be OMGing about but hes not unattractive at all. His hair is dark and his voice is deep he has thick eyebrows and has sort of an 'I dont care' aura about him. Hes not shy but hes not totally out there either, more like he says something if it seems important or funny enough. Hes tall like 5'9 and average weight. Not tan not pale. Seems confident and ready like in a go with the flow way. He uses big words. I could imagine him listening to rock but idk exactly. Hes interesting to watch which seems creepy af but he always looks really observant. Hes not unpopular just i would expect people to be all over him and they arent at all. Hes someone that you wish you knew just because he seems so much cooler than everyone else (maybe thats just me cause i think im better than everyone but idk) writes small and seems to try to take the easy way out. Says he likes listening to music but i never see him with headphones in whats up with that. I feel like he's watching me and always find myself in awkward situations when he's around, i think im psyching myself out though. Cades are different.
Hey look at cade over there with the little smirk on his face slunked back in his desk writing something in his notebook. Wish i was over there, they dont realize how lucky they are

Friend: why are you staring at him

Our house our rules livin like miley
by sexatron2.0 December 31, 2014
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A Cade is someone who is a bit egotistical, very attractive, spoiled, and aloof albeit with a sensitive underbelly. He looks like a playa, but is actually a sweet guy underneath. He rarely let's anyone in to see the real him. The name connotates a whimsical playboy who is a hit with the ladies but is a nerd at heart.
Guy #1: That dude is such a Cade.

Guy #2: Which dude?
Guy #1: The one with the hot blonde on his arm.
Guy #2: What makes him a Cade?
Guy #1: He has boarding school written on his forehead, acts like he doesn't give a shit about nothing, will probably be screwing that hot blonde tonight, but will probably get too attached to her and end up depressed after she dumps him.
Guy#2: Why would she dump him?
Guy#1: Because he'll probably end up fucking her hot bestfriend, too.
by tiburonrising May 13, 2009
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