Name given to someone/something that is considered very uncool.
"Stop being a beano"

"I'm not playing football, it's too beano"
by Thupparhymes November 30, 2016
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The best food ever created by man. It is a tomb of powerful bread with a city of baked beans encased within but the flavours extend further past the confines of a bread casing
by Poopyhead69420 October 27, 2019
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Noun - a term for a really lovely person. Used by weird Scottish people. Commonly used after the word ‘wee
“Ipsi’s a wee Beano isn’t she” said Danielle
by Defence Daily August 30, 2019
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A sexy man who is cracked at fortnite and gets hella woman.
Bro did u just see Beano walk by, I think he has a massive cock.
by Faze_ Thicc las August 25, 2021
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A bean variant of Thanos he eats bananos for bekfast
Beanos ate all of my bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnsssssssss
by marmalade yeeet September 22, 2020
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the deadly parasite that could kill you in 69 milliseconds
omg there is beanos!
by dank memist September 1, 2019
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