Proof that Satan exists, as nothing so cute as a piglet deserves to be made into something so delicious.
by G-Stripe February 14, 2016
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pig fat. plain and simple, pig fat smothered in grease.
Dude, your kitchen smells like bacon.

My redneck neighbor was just cooking breakfast...
by Uberface January 11, 2011
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Bacon is a valuable peace of meat that does not come from chicken, other wise it would be called chicken.It is stylish to be seen with bacon or eat it, bacon is kewl.
by Joe June 25, 2004
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Sweet goodness, God has bacon for breakfast. He sits on a throne of bacon.
Mark Ch3 Vs4: Thee bacon fell from the sky, causing everyone to have a massive bacon party.
by Jimbobbybob February 21, 2012
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Someone who gives another person attitude.

An agitated disturbance.

To bring drama
Don't come into my house with bacon all up in yo face.


How dare you raise your voice at me? This is a library, stupid! Don't bring your bacon in hurr.
by The Chow Man October 21, 2004
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A word for someone who is too stoned and does stupid things because of it. (BAKIN' as in being baked)
a word to describe something you've done that you wouldnt have if you weren't smoking too much pot.
"wow crystal, you just burnt your own face with a joint. You're a bacon."


" I can't believe you put the milk in the cupboard. That was bacon. "
by crystalbeans June 21, 2009
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