A word that describes something that is really cool or brilliant. It is used to describe something that is better than awesome.
Girl: I just got my driving license
Boy: Awesomeness!
by HyperEnergizerBunny May 27, 2009
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This word is kind of hard to describe.

It means something beyond awesome, or describing an event that was and/or is awesome.
Soulja Boy just died today!!!


Me : Yesterday, I had a dream that Beyonce, Rihanna, and Leona Lewis had a crazy threesome!

by metallkidd93 March 11, 2008
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Although it's now used as another word for cool, it literally means something that strucks awe. Something so amazing, one is in awe seeing it. But like I said, nowadays it's used just like cool.
I was struck with awe when I witnessed men landing on the moon. It was awesome.
by David Akers August 15, 2005
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You. You, there, sitting there looking at the screen of your laptop, or at the screen of your iPhone. I don't care what kind of things you've done in life, or how many mistakes you've made, YOU ARE A F**KIN BADASS. Keep doing what you're doing.
by TheAwesomestPerson December 6, 2013
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The state of being better than 'Awesome'.
"Did you see my art project I turned in? Wasn't it so awesomated?"

"I love that Band! They are so Awesomated!"
by La Writer (of this definition) February 4, 2010
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Used to only mean great or extremely cool, but now used as much sarcastically to mean something bad or unfortunate.
Guy 1. I just spilled beer on your f&(*n iPhone.
Guy 2. Awesome : /
by redmontage February 1, 2011
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