Pronounced: Perge-italian

A woman who is half italian, and half persian. She is very hairy, very horny, and tend to be very fat, and lazy. They tend to have a very identifiable smell. Not very attractive features, but claims to be exotic. They also like to wear the color red a lot!! Almost all their dresses are red.

When taking pictures, they like to press their breasts against things and zoom in on them (i.e. the wall, things that are red, other breasts).

When they find a mate, it is normally a very scrawny and awkward looking guy. At any given time, all the guys she will ever go out with look like this. But she prefers flirting with other women.

Their diet consists of cake, breakfast burritos, more cake, and cake. They keep a slice of cake in their car for emergencies. Do not try to take away a cake from them! Also do not eat cake near them because they will eat it.

They are also the only known people who walk while sleeping. Not to be confused with sleep-walking. Due to their enormous laziness, while they are walking, they start to make a pillow out of the furry neck rolls they posses. They fall to sleep while while walking on these rolls, typically resulting in walking into trees.

There can only be one pers-italian within a givin radius... or else they would have to fight... possibly resulting in the winner eating the loser
"want to see my pers-italian rack?"

"I'm sorry, its the pers-italian in me. I can't help it. Ha aha aha hahaha"

"Some pers-italian just walked into a tree again; when i tried to help her up, she tried to touch me c*ck"

Pers-italian: "What is this mess?"
Pers-italian roommate: "thats your mess"
Pers-italian: "well clean it up"

Driving instructor: "ok, please show me how your dash-board works"
Pers-italian: "Well here is the windsheild whipper, turn signals, radio, emergency lights, and emergency cake"
Driving instructor: "What was the last one"
Pers-italian: "Emergency cake see!....oh wait i ate it... does that mean i fail?"
by persitaliansex August 4, 2009
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a phrase that allows some flexibility in the topic at hand, so you can talk about something without being very specific
i wouldn't say it's a psuedo box, per se, but i digress, i really do
by El_Scorcho August 28, 2003
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Pablo is going to get his per diem today from Mia.
by G-0! May 23, 2022
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Alternative Pronunciation of the word Perfect. Said with finesse the two words are barely distinguishable.
Do you want cream in your coffee? That would be Per-fuct
by Lisa Says June 7, 2003
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Definition 1
A adolescent who is going in puberty and is curious about sex
Definition 2
A woman that looks like a teenager
Definition 3
A teenager boy that is girl crazy
Mom : why don't you stop looking up about sex your only 10
Girl : I'm sorry I'm now a per teens
by 459395 February 8, 2022
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BUT GRO PER is a Formula 1 joke between fans. The main reason for this is it's similar to butt groper. BUT GRO PER is actually the first 3-letter shortening for (Jenson) 'Button', (Romain) 'Grosjean' and (Segio) 'Perez', shown on the grid overview.
Button, Grosjean and Perez are in battle for 10th place. So there are BUT GRO PER in P10, P11 and P12.
by JoeTuner February 6, 2021
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-- on the face of it
-- generally speaking
-- on average
-- inherently

Frequently used improperly by persons who think it makes them sound educated.
Its not that these people are stupid, per se. Its usually the case that they are self-educated.
by wclay1 September 2, 2009
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