A person that is usually a male and is cool
look at andrei over there Wit those awesome jeans!
by 8d1 December 11, 2018
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Isn't here
There's a war going on out there somewhere, and Andrey isn't here
by why isn't andrey here October 4, 2020
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When a guy traps another guy in their room and proceeds to not allow them to leave until they either have sex with them or engage in a sexual act/acts.
Reggie: Hey what happened to Keiran?
Rudra: I heard Andrey pulled a Dirty Andrey on him.
Reggie: Oh god, that's disgusting.
by Keiran B May 23, 2022
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Andrei suruboru is normally a person that is 3/4 monkey and 1/4 human. In addition to this this type of person is normally very stupid and most of the times gets D’s in his tests. Also this type of person will normally be a truck driver when they are older and love to swing on trees and eat his fathers bananna 24/7.
Person 1: that guy from our school is so annoying, I hate him so much!

Person 2: That guy is such an Andrei suruboru!
by XxCUNTDESTROYER69xX June 17, 2018
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An extremley fucked up person in the Soviet Union who murdered children between the ages 9-17. He couldnt ejaculate due to his impodantness, and longtime mental abuse from fellow colleuges and a rough childhood through a plauge, he eventualy gained the abilaty to cum if he stabbed people. So... he found people he found sexualy attractive from train stations and such, took them out in the forest, and stabbed the shit out of them, had his cum, and left. Most of his victims were still alive as he mutilated them, all the more for sexual pleasure, he also enjoyed biting off their nipples and such. He was eventualy caught after slaying about 53-54 people when he fucked up by walking out in public covered in bloooood, so the coppers took him in and negotiated him for about a week untill he finaly confessed. He was also kept in a cage during his trail leading up to his execution in Feburary, 1994
Johnny, stop bleeding all over your clothes and dating younger people, you look like Andrei Chikatilo
by StuffedMannequin August 10, 2006
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Doing something very stupid unexpectedly
Also look at Andrei Move
Person 1: Oh man, you just crashed the whole stack of Jenga before we even started playing!
Person 2: You just pulled an Andrei! That's two shots!
Andrei: oh...ok
by nghtyw January 28, 2016
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A wonderful chess player who is really cute and down to earth. He also beat Magnus Carlsen in 2021.
Andrey Esipenko is really cute
by uyuyeji April 8, 2022
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