Amanda does NOT mean "A man DUH" it is a name which means
"Love" in the definations of name books.
Hi my name is Amanda yourself?
by antonea July 13, 2006
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Amanda is a sweet, kind, beautiful, weird, intelligant, energetic person and could brighten up your day with her smile, if you ever meet a Amanda, cherish all your moments with her and don't ever give her up that easily, she will be you best friend for life and will always be there for you. Also never make them sad, mad, or angry that could be your worst choice in life. Always be ther for them and give them a hand because they would really appreciate it.
Amanda is so kind and smells like vanilla and strawberry!
by Roxxci September 8, 2018
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A girl who is very unsure about who she really is. Amanda's are often unsure if what they do is for other people or purely for personal gain.

Amanda's need to experience things before they beleive them, and because of this, no matter how many times they are warned off something they wont listen and will do it anyway.
They have very strong emotions.
They often find decision making very difficult, and this means that they don't make very good pilots.
They are very loyal to people who give them the respect that all people deserve and don't often get.
I'm having a really hard time making up my mind, I'm feeling really Amanda.

Are you having and Amanda day? You don't seem to know what you're doing...
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Like to make people happy smile all the time even when she sad, mad or angry she is a great person to hang around a true friend to those who are true to her

You don't want to get on Amanda bad side
Amanda is a freak
Amanda is hot in the bedroom

Amanda is nothing to play with in the bedroom
by SexyA December 21, 2016
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A very amazing and beautiful girl who is the low of my life and I couldnt possibly live without her. She is my whole life and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with her. She means everything to me and I wouldn't do anything to harm her or break her heart. There are so many adjectives I could use to describe her like beautiful, amazing, fantastic, gorgeous, wonderful, funny, awesome, lovely, and so much more! There is no better girl than Amanda... Or at least there isn't for me. :)
Damn did u see that Amanda??

Hell yeah!! She was smokin!!!
by William Sadro November 28, 2011
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An individual who often encounters issues with her relationships, often having to do with her close friends :(. She is remarkably intelligent and is a loyal friend. She has a fetish for cats, typically orange colored ones and enjoys playing sports. She also cannot live without her cellphone and is constantly texting others. She hates being alone and loves being surrounded by people and loves being the center of attention. However, one flaw with amandas are that they often tend to eat at an incredibly slow pace. This tends to irritate the people she dines with because it takes her forever to eat something, no matter what size. Amandas also have innocent facial expressions. However dont be fooled by this because they often tend to be false.
Dina: dudddeeeee shes been eating that apple for like an HOUR!
Julie: No shit shes an AMANDA havent you read the dictionary on urban dictionary?

Teaher: And the person with the highest average in my calculus class is Amanda.
Renaldo: ughhhhh. typical, shes an Amanda.

by Uberdork123 July 12, 2008
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