n. When you're reasonably isolated from the rest of society with a small group of people, you tend to find the most good-looking person there to be exaggeratedly hot, when actually they are probably average-looking. Desperation.

Comes from the ability to pick out the hottest person on a long airline flight, when you're thinking about the possibility of a crash landing and who you'd want to hook up with on the desert island.
1: "Yo I'm seriously crushing on that one chick in my mech. engineering class."
2: "Daamn son you've got airplane syndrome."
1: "Hell yeah, she's the only one out of the three that doesn't look too much like a dude. I'm in love."
by BigBing September 23, 2010
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The cold or flu one gets after flying on a airplane, especially after long flight.
After returning to New York from San Francisco John came down with airplane flu.
by thevineyard February 10, 2007
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When a passenger leans his sit back and everyone behind him are forced to do the same.
Be careful with your laptop, an airplane domino is approaching.
by bugpower February 25, 2015
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Basically, running train on a girl, but everyone participating is high.
Oh, man, last Saturday I had some grass on me and Luis, Jamie and I went running airplane on this one girl.
by Midnight pinapple train August 10, 2008
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The little pocket in the crotch of women's underwear. the perfect size for airplane bottles of liquor. Used to sneak booze and other substances in where they do not belong.
Girl 1: How did you get that bottle of Malibu Coconut Rum in here?
Girl 2: oh, i snuck it in in my Airplane Pocket.
by pocketmaster6969 September 15, 2017
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When you're drunk and high at the same time.
"Bobby was totally wrecked last night; he was feelin' like champaign on an airplane."
by City Slicka March 26, 2013
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A term generally pertaining to females meaning a quick shower only being able to clean under the "wings" or underarms and the "cockpit."
I'm running late for my date and only have time for an airplane wash.
by unicorn2008 July 17, 2008
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