Adrian is a guy with a big dick.He is the most cutest guy in school. He can pull most girls.
girl 1: He’s an Adrian
Girl 2: I slept with him last night

Girl 3: Adrian has the biggest dick
Most girls: he is so cute
by Notcizzorz: December 31, 2019
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A dick that has zero Friends and has an extremely tiny tiny penis and is extremely gay to non gay people for no reason and the biggest pussy you will find and tall and skinny and unattractive and unathletic
How you doin adrian Hey man fuck you you don’t have a dick
by Yourfuckingcunt March 13, 2019
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Adrian is a dickhead and nobody loves him. If you encounter an Adrian, you better treat him like shit. He mostly says gay ass shit and is annoying af!
Alex: Yo, I found an Adrian today
Peter: No way!?
Alex: I know right

Peter: Did you cut his dick off

Alex: No :( but I gave him my sandwich filled with my semen
Peter: LmfaooOooo
Alex: Heheh Imma frame him for rape next
by Enlarged Clit September 10, 2018
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ugly ass nigga with no dick. has orange skin and is shit in arsenal
yo are u Adrian
noob: yes
by iijarik August 18, 2020
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A boring nobody that doesn't do well at school and has a very dysfunctional social life, he vents a lot but never actually does anything about it which is the reason why some of his friends have stopped talking to him, probably also tries to go out with a Rose but fails in multiple occassions.
Guy: Oh hey Adrian, what's up?
Adrian: Ugh.. She rejected me again.
by table GOD15 November 7, 2020
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Adrian is somebody you can fall in love with when you first lay eyes on him. He’s somebody you can trust and feel protected by. He is your bestfriend and soulmate. Nobody what happens between you guys, he’ll always be the first person on your mind. He’s the boy that you pray for and hope to never lose, and if you do lose him, you pray that one day you’ll find your way back to each other. You will always love adrian even if your heart is broken..
Friend: who was your first love ?

Me: Adrian
by Anonymoustoeveryone February 5, 2019
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A relatively nice person at 1st but as time goes on becomes a backstabbing asshole who is a fuckboy. He also has a fake hood accent.
Wow! Did u see that kid being like adrian?
by Herromynameisurmomhehe September 6, 2019
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