\s is used to indicate sarcasm or satire. Inspired by HTML tags.
"I'm surprised to see a politician screw up like that. \s"
by imh January 11, 2012
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A smiley face that is confused or sick.
That!? What are you talking about S:

I'm feeling sick... S:, so i'll skip school today q:
by Linkzie June 29, 2006
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In the Harry Potter fandom, the pairing of Albus Severus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy. The two characters are featured only in the epilogue of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows; however, many slashers have already paired the two characters together.
as/s was the best thing that came out of the epilogue.
I'd tap that as/s.
by sushimustwrite July 23, 2007
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acronym for "again, still, always"
Person 1: Whats up?
Person 2: Doing homework.
Person 1: Again?
Person 2: a,s,a...that's what happens when you take 5 AP's..
by C.Claire March 25, 2007
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~S~ is used in chat for online multiplayer combat games for saluting or addressing many people in a room. It means "salute (all)". As opposed to S! for saluting.

It is probable that this originated in Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator and moved up through the years to other games and newer versions such as IL2 or CS.
Maj_Ojo: ~S~ all
AH_Hornet: S! Ojo
AH_BULLET: S! Ojo. Hey bro.
by AH_Hornet September 17, 2007
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Short form for the word "Yes" used by lazy fucks who don't want to type a three-letter word. Can be considered as the successor of "K" which is short for "Okay".
You: Wanna play Minecraft?
Your lazy homie: S
by Peepeepoopoo from urbdic January 12, 2021
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Any combination of two of these:
A shit
A shave
or a shower

A shit usually being one of them.
So you wanna go out to the club tonight?
Sure, but I've got to go home and take an S & S
by g333 August 28, 2006
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