The time saving method of both 'having a Shit and having a Wank at the same time'. Straining whikst having a poo can heighten orgasm.
See you in 5 mins lads I'm off for a shank
by GarryB March 22, 2017
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Shank, meaning to stab and jiggle a sharp object into someone's body. A deep stab and a little jiggle of the object is all to make a crisp shank.
Watch what you say about Jimmy, if he ever finds you, he'll shank you.
by englishmasterurbaner December 3, 2017
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When a man takes a shit then continues to have a wank afterwards.
After a night out with the boys, Dean went to go take a shank
by Hood Definitions October 2, 2017
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To shit and wank at the same time.
A derogatory term describing the activities of one who is ignorant
"Oh god, he was shanking, what a douche..."
by NemoleAmzi September 10, 2008
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The art of taking a shit whilst having a wank. Great way to save time. Also heightening the pleasure factor, as a big firm dump squeezes past the male g-spot.
I had a monster shit last night. Time was not on my side, so I decided to double up and had myself an awesome shank.


My flatmate left the bathroom door unlocked last night, I accidentally walked in on him Shanking!
by Bandicles January 11, 2014
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having a shit and a wank at the same time
i just took a shank
that shank was good
i love to shank
by uk G man June 17, 2008
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A Pirate who ate the Badass-Badass no mi Fruit. He singlehandedly stopped the Marineford war, because he is Shanks. He is the one who gave Luffy the strawhat. He likes to throw partys whenever he can. He is a serious alcoholic. He was also part of Rogers crew with the likes of Rayleigh, Buggy D. Clown and Crocus.
Garp the Goat: That damn Akagami Shanks
Buggy-sama: Shankss? I hate that guy
Luffy: I wanna become a great pirate like Shanks
by SirRoronoa October 24, 2019
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