A severe medical condition that causes an enlarged prostate, normally linked to being either to horny, or the over usage f your timber.
Timmy won't be at school today because he was up to late and got a penis barrel.
by Jamaican funk February 26, 2017
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When a man shoves two or more shotguns up a womans pussy.
Steve! I gave my girlfriend the american double barrel piledriver last night!
by sussyamogusballsjkurgay February 2, 2022
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A way to explain that you’re eating. Usually something that will make you full.
“Hey Dave do you want to go get tacos?”

Yep im ready to muck the barrel”
by Donald S. Duck January 4, 2018
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When you’re in the barrel of a wave (that is a hollow hole while the wave is crashing over top of you down the line) but the barrel is just big enough for you to fit through, nipping/washing your hair like it’s shampoo
Announcer: “O’Brien in the wave looks like it’s gonna be a close out JUST makes it with a shampoo barrel ”
by Ayeeeedee May 19, 2023
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OpposingFork's Barrel Guy is opposingforks free barrel guy in a barrel who slaps his cheeks with his small weiner. IOpposingfork, with their sharp wit and quick thinking, was always the brains behind their escapades. Barrel Guy, on the other hand, relied on his charm and charisma to navigate through the challenges they faced. Together, they embarked on a series of gayness

Their relationship, though unconventional, was marked by genuine affection and understanding. In a world that often frowned upon their connection, they found solace and strength in each other. Their adventures were not just about the thrills; they were about embracing who they were and celebrating their weirdness

Their little gay adventure became a symbol of dick wrestling over hate, acceptance prevailing over prejudice. In a world that often tried to confine them to narrow definitions of normalcy, Opposingfork and Barrel Guy defied expectations and carved their own path.

In the end, their story was not just about a gay adventure; it was about the power of love, friendship, and acceptance. Opposingfork and Barrel Guy showed the world that the strongest bonds could form between the most unlikely individuals, transcending societal norms and prejudices.
OpposingFork's Barrel Guy what.
by Dako123 October 22, 2023
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This sexual manoeuvre requires one male receiving oral gratification from one (or more) female's. When the male in question ejaculates in the females throat, the female will the close her mouth and squirt out of her nose. Thus causing plenty of spaff to speed out of her nasal cavity, causing the Double Barrel Cum Gun effect that is desired.
Dave: What did you get up to last night then?
Matthew: After I finished I made my missus Double Barrel Cum Gun.
Dave: Oh respect.
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The metal ring attached to the bottom of a shotgun barrel that holds the barrel onto the magazine tube
I bought an old shotgun, but the barrel band was broken off, so I could not mount it.
by Gunfighter November 26, 2010
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