A person, ignorant in nature, usually uneducated and non-culutred. Other typical characteristics include: Jealousy, Hatred, Low Self-Esteem, to name a few.
Punk Bitch include everyone, especially on this site, who attempts to denigrate Black American Culture, by making fun of it. This would include: 1)not recognizing ebonics as a real and seperate language (If you were to take any time at all and learn the pre-requisites for language identification, you would have to agree that ebonics is a language. Ebonics has its own origin, structure, words, culture, just to name a few of the requirements). 2)Writing definitions for words that you have no idea what they mean. 3) Those who attempt to be accepted by Black America by acting in such a way that you "fit in" (Realize that if you white, and you're saying "nigga" you will not get very far). 4) Lastly, all those who harbor negative emotions for other races (including black people who hate white people) and attempt to defame the character of the race based on the history of our nation and the actions of people. Yes, if someone is racist, they are wrong; it doesn't mean that you have to stoop to their level and be just as ignorant as them.

by Mjaye November 22, 2005
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1. Written when the punctuation should be said, rather than inferred generally to emphasize the inclusion of punctuation.

2. To markup existing signs, packaging, instructions, or other items -- either physically or through the use of Photoshop -- with ", bitch"
1. "Argh. We ran out of toilet paper again! You must have used it all up. comma bitch."

2. You totally comma bitched the packaging.. it now says, "Hot & Spicy Szechwan Seasoning Mix: Authentic Asian Taste, Bitch"
by teee dot September 11, 2009
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wow you look like a peach bitch

are you a peach bitch?
keira you are a fucking peach bitch, you bitch peach.
by K3W0LF October 9, 2016
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Similar to punk or punk bitch. Someone who acts in a "all talk" way who can't back up their words.

You are such a pump bitch.
by Tracy Roland August 9, 2007
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if you have met her... you know ...she’s a petty bitch and a hoe even tho she a virgin.
by Tidepidsssssss September 14, 2018
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a pecker bitch is a dumb tall blonde creole coon ass from louisisana who can't pronunciate his words correctly and is balding, hunts gators in his home in the bayou and throws empty threats like 'im gonna stompa mud hole n' yer ass'. also he is very lazy and fat and lazy. also thinks he is number two to the messiah but is wrong and wizard island is acctualy number two
avants is a pecker bitch
by chacalicious September 17, 2008
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