When you are toxic, narcissistic, lack compassion or empathy and lack the ability to see how you affect those around you.
Your emotional B.O. has me staying far away from you, I can actually smell the toxic way you treat others.
by The Boxing Yogi January 20, 2021
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game emotes is only served for 2 purposes:
1 - toxic bulls*** when they kill you or smth
2 - when the game ends
17 year old: no one wants to see your cringe game emotes
by backwards_cones March 4, 2021
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When your best friend Violet tells you her friend Grace has a crush (it's a vague version of butterflies in the stomach), but doesn't spill the tea.

Spill the tea, Vi!
Totally random person I totally do not know: Grace is having a crisis, and I was not helpful at all.
Definitely not me: What?
Totally random person I totally do not know: She has emotions in the stomach.
Definitely not me: She has a crush?
Totally random person I totally do not know: Yes.

This is definitely not me. I'm not salty.
by NotTheDangeonMaster December 29, 2018
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overwhelmed emotionally
The Youtube video of. The famous double rainbow was narrated by a emotional tampon.
by Knobnbobber February 17, 2018
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it's object permanence, but for emotions.

the most common example is of people who have attachment issues or disorders that have attachment-issue-like symptoms (e.g. BPD), where people feel like their friends or partner do not love them unless they are showed affection and are reassured constantly.

it could literally be anything else too, like not thinking your soul-bound enemy hates you during times they don't show you hate
Person 1: I feel like my best friend doesn't like me unless they talk with me and reassure me they're my best friend.
Person 2: They do like you, and consider you a best friend as well..You just have emotional object permanence because momma didn't give you much love as a child.
by zipdotfile October 16, 2023
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When you're told your Penis is to small
Girl "is it in yet"

Boy *dies from crushing emotional agony*
by :) cat lady April 16, 2015
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The act of watching heart wrenching documentaries or reading about celebs having miscarriages to indulge in such feelings for self gratifying reasons while having the safety net of knowing it’s happening to them and not you.
Oh i see your watching that show ‘ miscarriage- my story’ , pure emotional masterbation, a horrible thing to do.
by Big aldo October 15, 2020
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