This term can't be defined. It's on and if you know, then you know basis.
"Wow the Pi Kap's really want to collab on the Marg Party" - Girl 1

"Yeah, we aren't gonna collab with them on that one" - Girl 2

"They really think they are all that" - Girl 1

"Can't teach feel, our parties get rolled theirs don't" - Girl 2
by Mawnster November 19, 2022
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Of Native American origin it describes the inability of a person to successfully walk through tall grass. Before colonization the great plains of North American were covered with large sections of tall grasses. Instead of going around acres of tall grass, people could walk straight through them.

The implication is that a capable adult is both tall enough to see above shoulder height tall grass and wise enough to navigate and form a path through tall grass that is above their head. Children and people that are not intelligent will get lost in the tall grass and need help to get out or even die.

Usually applied to a person, but could apply to a thing.

Similar to: If you can't handle the heat get out of the kitchen, shape up or ship out

1: transitive, present tense

a: Describing a person that cannot handle the situation they are in.

b: Describing a person that is not intelligent enough to figure out something that others easily can.

2: rhetorical question

Implying that the person being asked is not keeping up with the group or not able to handle the task they were given.
1a: "Jim can't walk in the tall grass. He got promoted to sergeant and just took a month long stress leave"

1b: "I've been training the new hire for a week now and she still can't figure out how to clock in.....she can't walk in the tall grass."

2: "Hey Ron, Jim was late and installed the wiring for 2 rooms today but you were here all day and barely got half of one done. Can't walk in the tall grass?"
by Babakanoosh March 30, 2022
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If a gacha game has a cn/jp version that is ahead from the global version it will have a "global/EN can't read" moment

It is said in communities especially in Arknights and it basically means that a global player misunderstands or misread the content in the cn/jp version and makes a drama out of it or when it comes out in the global version, players will not read it and may suffer the consequences.
Ishar-mla: Have you heard of another new permanent game mode in the cn version? Someone translated it and it is gonna be is3 with the is2 gamemode

Calcite: So they're replacing the permanent game mode called is2? Creator of this game is a dumbass because is2 is the best thing to come out. Let's stop playing is2 since it'll be replaced later

Kevin: "Global can't read" moment
Destreza: but both of them is permanent...
by ChalterIsBalans October 15, 2022
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can't be blank
can't be blank
by furry killer 69420 November 7, 2022
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can't be blank
can't be blank
by CorgulantCaster44 December 22, 2020
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: "Can't be blank
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Me: Why does it say "cant be blank"

me: Can't be blank"
by A Faqqot October 25, 2018
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