A very cool skype thing that was alive for only 1 hour and one guy has to leave in 7 minutes
Bruh my dad and my sister ahve turned into tea ad, Im so sowyy to have to see you gow
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A logical fallacy when netizen dismisses other netizen's opinion because s/he is/they are using their idol(s) photograph as an avatar/profile pictures
Example of Reductio ad Idolarum:

If you're using Justin Bieber/Billie Eilish/Boy band/Girl band/whatever the fuck your idol, your opinions are discarded
by Sir. B February 17, 2021
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Hatriotic version of (argumentum) ad hominem. Whilst "(argumentum) ad hominem" is a fallacious argumentative strategy marked by the avoidance of a genuine discussion of a topic by attacking an attribute of the person making an argument instead of the argument itself, "ad hom of him" is a phrase preferably used over "(argumentum) ad hominem" when attacking a certain individual using Latin and failing miserably at it.
David, who loved the game Pacman, was accused of using an "ad hom of him" argument.
by Marie Lastname June 11, 2018
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To go missing without trace and without letting anyone know you're leaving.
Q: Where's Dave?

A: Dunno, one minute he's doing the migraine skank and then he pulled an Ade.
by Migraineskank April 6, 2016
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One who recycles and conserves at home, and makes sure the whole world knows it. However, anywhere else this person will waste more resources than a hummer on steroids.
He is a ad domus conservationist. He only cares about the environment at home.
by Aarif Bhagat February 19, 2015
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Commonly used on sites like YouTube or news sites, meant for an accidental misclick on the ad by the user.
Ad shifts are traps by companies to force people onto the advertiser's website.
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