Jeng mae ah huy which is khmer word, it mean joy mae ah heng in khmer and fuck your mom ah heng in English, People say it when they are mad about someone name heng
Jeng mae ah huy kon mi joy mray
by James poz sart February 22, 2021
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A term uttered by our lord and saviour Scar that one may use:

1) During sex.

2) As a flirtatious greeting.

3) As a way of greeting a crush or hinting at your feelings.

4) In place of naughty girl/boy.

If one uses this term you likely:

Have an older, more well liked-brother/friend/superior figure.

Are a rather thin person.

Have few real friends.

Have committed a morally questionable act on said brother/friend/superior figure.

Are a furry.

Are obsessed with the Lion King I and II (ignoring the other stuff).

Are handsome/beautiful.

Have dark hair.

Are gay/bi/ lesbian.

Have named yourself to remind you of a past failing.

Have a boy/girlfriend of whom is the opposite of the traditionally associated personalies.

You are also a Scar fanboy/girl and really want to sound like Jeremy Irons, Suzanne Pleshette or Nika Futterman.
1) (during an orgasm or spurring lover on) "Ah Nala, your timing couldn't be more perfect"

2) "Ah Nala, looking submissive and breedable today, darling"

3) "Ah Nala, are you having a good day?"

4) "Ah Nala, Nala, Nala..."/"Ah Nala, you know how I loathe violence..."
by Snarkyboi May 17, 2022
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The war cry of retarded individuals.
"Men, We prepare to fight tonight." All of the man chant: "Bobble ah Titta"
by Bobble ah Titta June 27, 2014
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meaning: a pussy ho could never try me.. could ever be me; be on my level
pussy ass ho 😟
“a pussy ah ho could neva
by ilikemoney-mrkrabs:) October 28, 2020
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a local slang term for cooked cocaine. basically crack, rock, etc.
dat braddah said to me "get the mah-ah?"
by locdreadras May 15, 2007
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