A definition post on the site Urban Dictionary, that's subject is to define the name of someone and their characteristics when they are not a personality or famous in any way. Usually regarding the name of an individual known by posters or poster locally or through friendship.

Urban Identity Frauds can also be individuals posting definitions consisting of another person and their characteristics, usually without consent.
Urban Identity Frauds' definitions can be misleading to others with the same name in the post. The person may identify with the definition and apply characteristics to themselves, skewing their perception of themselves and reality.

:O That's deep.
Urban Identity Fraud Post: "Amelia: A person with pink hair and sparkling eyes and personality! Slay Bishhhhhhhh!"
Definition Reviewer: *Denies definition*
by OrangeSponge! January 14, 2019
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A person who practices the sport of navigating obstacles by running, jumping and climbing, known as Parkour.
Person 1: Are you into any sports?
Person 2: I'm more of an urban athlete.

P1: Whats that?

P2: I like to try and navigate landscapes in a quicker than normal and unconventional manner.
by JacobBeau99 March 16, 2022
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Person 1: The faggatrons keep rejecting my definitions
Person 2: They must be to busy sucking on fat massive cock
Person 3: Y'all must be talking about the Urban Dictionary Editors
by autisti_arab December 19, 2021
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The people that reject and approve definitions. Criticized for allowing unfunny sexual "definitions" on non-sexual terms that no one uses in that manner and "definitions" for real-life names.
"Bruh Urban Dictionary Editors aren't even following any sort of guidelines. They accept fake definitions that are either overly sexual for no reason or praise anyone with a certain real-life name that the editor and/or author probably have."
by MyPseudonymThatsNotMyName September 19, 2022
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They can be a pain in the ass, or not. They are random people who vote for definitions and choose if they become public or not.
1: Bro, the Urban Dictionary Editors rejected my definition!
2: Wtf, they normally accept everyone!
by twitter: @AtlantisNix December 4, 2019
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