A girl who likes to have fun who occasionally fucks friend groups and gets kicked out of weddings and doesn’t give a fuck about anything.
Garbage Garski knows how to party
by Jj fink February 21, 2022
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Easily the worst thing your mother could call you
«You slept with somebody you met at the Frank Znort Quartet show again? You are such a pile of garbage sweat
by Shiteloadofsweat August 31, 2018
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Easily the worst thing your mother could call you
«You slept with somebody from the Frank Znort Quartet, again? You are such a pile of Garbage Sweat!»
by Shiteloadofsweat August 31, 2018
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Line from Warhol's movie, "Trash"

1.) Someone Living a dirty, dependent couch surfing/unemployed existence
2.) A lazy person, someone whose life is somehow out of control, or less than together...
3.) Not taking care of yourself or meeting your responsibilities, fulfilling your potential.
4.) A drug addict see Junky
Ever since school got out I have been such junky garbage... sleeping until 3 in the afternoon every day, eating takeout.
by tanima May 20, 2004
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A garbage can that is used as a B-B-Q. Usually made by the homeless for warmth and/or cooking. Most commonly seen in dark alleys at night time.
"Hey Chris, check out the fellas! They're roasting stolen corndogs and dead rats over their Garbage-B-Q in that dark alley. They always know how to have the best time."
by Linus S. Dillard March 4, 2012
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When a chick wraps her midsection with plastic wrap, takes a massive dump, lets it collect in the bag, then, before intercourse, takes a knife and unloads it on her partner's chest.
Depressed Guy: "......"
Friend: "Dude, why are you so sad?"
Depressed Guy: "My girlfriend gave me a filthy garbage disposal..."
Friend: "ZOMG!"
by Kwog the Bligthar March 31, 2010
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A garbage Gail is when a couple or quad are preforming the act of intercourse. When one participate goes to eat ass, the person(s) nostril catches a buttock hair(s) causing a spontaneous squeeze into the others brown star.
My friend mentioned how he had a lot of gas’s because of the garbage Gail they received.

He gave me a garbage Gail and I absolutely loved it.

I was tied up gaged and couldn’t react to his infamous garbage Gail
by CEOgarbage November 6, 2021
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