1 Exclimation of Happiness

2.Slang name For Bay (area)
1. I just got robbed. YAY!

2. You from the yay?
by ac February 14, 2004
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1. damn nigga you fuckin with the yay now?
G1- Wut up nigga
G2- Nuttin you hittin up the club tonighte?
G1- Yay
by John December 11, 2003
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If you snort all my yay I'll have to kill you!
by Nose April 10, 2003
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the correct way to express excitement, not "yey." yey is tom foolery while YAY is awesome.
Randy was wrong when he said "yey" out of excitement. yay comes from excitement
by jomo23 July 8, 2015
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