After the male blows his load into his hand or condom he slowly pours the seminal fluid into their partner's or any person's ear.
I was gonna kick that ho to the curb so I showed her the Wrath of Khan.
by Joe69 June 24, 2006
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A cluster of hemmroids petruding out of the swollen and streched out star of brown.
George Brett's grapes of wrath were so out of control he needed his vineyards lanced.
by DTRAIN March 29, 2005
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The unholy destruction of a person through means of verbal abuse, physical abuse (generally with hands to the face, feet to the crotch, and on occasion, the ferocious biting of the forearm) Usually not deadly unless you are a ranga, in which case you should call the FBI, CIA, SWAT, and the US Armed Forces. (or end your own life because that probably won't help.)
I decided I would tell her the ending to SMASH, the next day I ceased to exist due to receiving the brunt force of Sara Wrath.
by Brenzill May 2, 2012
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A step up from a Poseidon's Kiss, Poseidon's Wrath occurs when you diarrhea so forcefully into the toilet that you not only get a bit of water on your butthole, but your entire exposed bottom is covered with diarrhea water, including your buttcheeks and ballsack/taint area. A Poseidon's Wrath means more wiping, due to the entire bottom becoming covered in shitwater.
"Dude, I heard that splash from out here. Was that a Poseidon's Kiss?"
"Worse... A Poseidon's Wrath."
"Ugh, god, yeah, you do still kinda smell like shit..."
by xurban December 1, 2021
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He's freaking out 'cause he got fraped again. Aw man, Frapes of Wrath.
by J113 November 19, 2010
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When one places one's sweaty testicles on an unsuspecting person's face, eyes, chin, mouth, forehead or any other part of the face.
I gave this dumb chick The Grapes of Wrath last night after I was steaming them up in my pants.
by Keith J. Johnson October 4, 2008
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When you get really bad diarrhea after eating at a Chinese or Asian Restaurant.
Man, The people are invoking their wrath, we are not going back to that Chinese restaurant.

Man we used up all of the TP in that bathroom, The People's Wrath is strong.
by A Modern Major General. June 10, 2010
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