The picture..
Oh god.. I'm going sound crazy.. maybe I am

The conversation I mentioned.. I'm fairly convinced it was her.. Too many things stood out. Not sure if they were purposeful slips of the tongue to try to reassure me without saying something directly or what.. like I said it was weird..

I can understand feeling the need to keep certain things hidden.. but there were pics of who I was supposedly talking to.. and 1 that definitely wasn't the same person

It's hidden pretty well.. but she's how observant I am.. an that I'm not stupid. If I wasn't so fuckin unsure cos of everything else that's gone on then I'd be dead certain

There's more chance of hell freezing over than me forgetting a single one of her features.. but then I still don't get the point of it..

I don't know a lot right now.. but I'm sure it's her

There's other things my intuition is telling me too.. but not sure how to explain that.. there's a few too many joincidences here too for me to believe that's all they are

Don't think you answered about making your own flight too?
Be honest.. do you think I've lost my mind.. cos I'm kinda wondering right now!

I told you too.. I don't mind your questions. I wasn't exaggerating on the line wolf thing.. you're the only person I talk to about anything real, anything that matters to me
I'm genuinely interested in what you have to say too, feel like we're 2 very similar souls..

To be honest, I'm kinda scared of the thought of losing this conversation too!
by 4_u September 22, 2023
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A question that is asking the listener whether or not they actively participates in building mobile applications on smartphones.
Q: Do you app ?

A: Yes - I built a flashlight app for my iphone
by SlimSade June 10, 2013
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A popular buzzfeed catchphrase created most likely by a staff member or producer who works there. Most commonly used to say that a person should do what they want even if the person saying the phrase thinks it (the thing the person was doing) was odd or strange.
Person: So today I only wear one earring because it's a tradition of mine.
Person 2: Yeah well, you do you.
by HeythereitsLil January 2, 2017
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The nickname for a maneuver in which you (1) insert your entire hand into a person's anus and (2) open your hand, as if you are about to wave it and say "how do you do?"
"I want to give my girlfriend a How Do You Do, but I'm concerned that she's a little too tight."
"Well, practice makes perfect."
by the letter d October 26, 2007
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When someone wants to do oneself instead of hang out with you
Don: I think I'll stay home today
Joli: Yeah, man, you do you, go fuck yourself
by Joli Plz November 10, 2015
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