
A breakfast delicacy originating from Orange County, California comprised of a breakfast pastry (i.e. bagel, danish, or english muffin), cheese-covered scrambled eggs, and cream cheese. Optional are an assortment of breakfast meats including but not limited to: ham, sausage, bacon, new york strip steak, etc.)
"What was that amazing looking delicacy that Don ordered?"

"It looks like The Ting..."

by D. S. Gray, Jr. February 8, 2010
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Two words that can be added to basically any sentence that describes a command.
Caress that ting!

Sugar Bush that ting!

Pop pop pop that ting!
by DWR08 May 12, 2008
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A breakfast delicacy originating from Orange County, California comprised of a breakfast pastry (i.e. bagel, danish, or english muffin), cheese-covered scrambled eggs, and cream cheese. Optional are an assortment of breakfast meats including but not limited to: ham, sausage, bacon, new york strip steak, etc.)
"What was that amazing looking delicacy that Don ordered?"

"It looks like The Ting..."

by D. S. Gray, Jr. February 9, 2010
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Ting means 'Sexual Favours'. People can have 'tings', meaning that they give each other sexual favours. It can also be used as a saying, shortened from things, but still giving the impression towards sexual influences.
Boy: Hey, what you up to tonight?

Girl: Nothing, got a free house, fancy coming over for some tings?

Boy: Lets do this ting!
by It Ends Here. June 6, 2010
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Yet another example of tin-eared rappers butchering the english language... and everyone lapping it up
moron: we doin' big tings bro
moron's friend: ye wurd up massif to erryone in da hiz haus boh! boh! boh!
by felix c March 28, 2007
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