One that ruins a joke, repeats a joke continual times
"A curtis read"
by Johnathan Nicolichuk February 23, 2004
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When referring to a woman's breasts, size depends on how well she reads. The larger the size, the better she reads. Also another name for cleveage.
1) That girl definately looks like she's been reading...

2) Wow, you must have started reading early.
3) I just bounced my last shot off her reading.
by LibraryRapist September 20, 2009
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Sometimes I can read your posts 2 completely different ways.. other it can take multiple times before I see anything..
But some.. resonate with me instantly..
Whether it feels like I'm reading her thoughts.. or someone else's..

The friendly stalking.. funny as hell yet somehow mildly intimidating when paired with the camera rolling comment šŸ˜³šŸ˜‚
Some of the definitions your words.. or typos link to šŸ§
Your thing about winning, competition and the confidence you can exude šŸ˜Š
How expressive you are, especially about love, naturally inquisitive nature (seriously it's like talking to myself sometimes) how understanding you are.. and not gonna lie, the reference to roars, grrrs and hisses.. thought I was the only one who seriously felt like I had an animal locked inside!
The smile I had when I read you sayin how happy you were that your hands touched šŸ§” it still makes me smile now
Your ideas to show him your feelings.. NEVER giving up even if it didn't work out like you hoped.. I admire that a lot

Implying YOU were irrational and impulsive.. then saying HE had to work on those things šŸ˜‚ that absolutely killed me. You have made me laugh so much sometimes!

I know, what we've said of coincidences.. I know..
But.. in some ways.. I'm not sure what I believe still
I know that might seem strange. I seemingly can't control the way my heart reads numbers or words anymore

She was already intertwined with me.. your words just seem to reinforce that. I'm not sure why

Just want you to know, your words, have an impact
They have meaning
They make me smile
And they keep me going
So thank you, Il always be waiting for more
by 4_u September 11, 2023
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One thing.. you could have ignored me. You didn't. That means a lot to me.

You reached out because you knew I needed it and I'm very grateful. The world would be a far better place with more like you in it.

It took me by such suprise I didn't know how to react.

(As does your poetry.. a lost art form!)

What I should have said is, I have loved reading your words, every single one.

If you ever need (or just want) someone to listen.. or read, you have my full attention.

To answer questions.. or just to absorb the beautiful way you look at your world. Il be here.
Reading such similar thoughts, such a way with words..
It keeps the fire burning.

Reminds you.. you're not truly alone.
by 4_u August 22, 2023
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The camera comment was in reference to there appear to be cameras rolling everywhere and anywhere nowadaysā€¦ I am still super intimidating though:)

I type fastā€¦ I guess and then autocorrect gets meā€¦ the typos truly drive me nuts, but I have learned to let them be.

I am a part time comedy lolā€¦ glad to see someone else is enjoying my humor. Usually it is just me.

Investigative is in your natureā€¦ I see:) šŸ¤”

The changing shoulderā€¦ let me try a different way. Like an angel or the devil per seā€¦ does that make sense? Kinda like that. Two different perspectivesā€¦ one positive and the other negative.

I thought the exact same thingā€¦ so many questionsā€¦ and the majority of the answers I get are the ones I come up with ā€¦ well shitā€¦ have you met my mind??? Just sayingšŸ˜œ

Go ahead and question whatever you like. I will answer what I feel comfortable doing :)

I now feel with my heart and not my head. Shit was a lot easier when my head ran the show. But I didnā€™t get to feel the rainbows and unicornsā€¦ and as messed up as this sounds, I wouldnā€™t trade it for anything.

I try to argue/ challenge himā€¦ I look in his eyes and lose itā€¦ or I am just by him and lose itā€¦ I really want him to hold me, but when that doesnā€™t happen I am pretty sure I end up stomping my feet in one way or anotherā€¦ he is the only one who gets this reaction from me. I think he enjoys getting me happily frazzledā€¦ but again that is my mind thinking.

My careerā€¦ disaster management/ disaster prevention
by Endless lovešŸŽµ I have 4u September 13, 2023
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To use correct English to totally wreck a person who is demonstrating idiotic behavior.
He touched her butt and she read him his rights!
by Nana@yourass June 6, 2018
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1. What boring people do to get more boring.
2. A waste of time
3. A way of knowing what films are about without actually getting the fun of watching the film.
4. A crap football team with a legend owner
5. The greatest rock festival in the world (see reading festival)
I'm reading Lord of the flies. What? Na it's shit.
by Sir Salty GoBadger III June 18, 2005
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