singular word for sheep, me and alexis made this name because we hate the word sheep.
damn that shoop walked up the hill away from the other sheep.
by the bombest girl ever May 18, 2008
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blend of shit and poop mixed together
by andrew frydmen April 13, 2009
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to put something sweaty on hand, then sneak up behind someone and wipe your hand in their mouth
"goddamit tim i was enjoying that cake until you went and shooped me with ball sweat"
by bernard February 2, 2005
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when one performs a movement to avoid another person and embarass them at the same time
Wes Welker was able to shoop 10 men in one play.
by Johnson Mike December 20, 2010
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A person of female gender residing in areas west of the Mississippi River. Defined by uncharacteristic style and unique actions.
Andreas: Hey look! There is a SHOOP!!!
Nathan: Wow, you are correct. I bet she is from Missouri.
by Dre-Polta July 10, 2008
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Shoop, the plural of sheep.
Look at all those shoop.
by Captain Rammstein April 23, 2008
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v,(shüp): To brawl unexpectedly and breifly.
"What you want to you?" "I want to shoop." or "Surely we will shoop for a cigarette."
by Halloweeny November 15, 2009
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