commonly used as a replacement for words such as "whats up" or "peace out".
also a quick and easy way to dodge out of an awkward conversation.
"yo SHIBBY dude"
"hey man i gotta run.....SHIBBY"
"o SHIBBY look at the time uuuh c - ya"
by the shibster May 8, 2003
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what is going on around the imediate person or persons; the downlow
Karl: "hey dude, whats the shibby?

Dan: " awww nothing... just chillin' "
by lxlARAlxl September 13, 2006
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person #1 "ey dude you should help me mow the lawn today".
person #2 "shibby"
by Marly Steckelbruck October 20, 2007
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shibby means whatever the shibby u want it 2!
where the shibby r they?

get ur own shibby!

what in the shibby oz ur problem?

Jesse and Chester are shibby at the moment, shibby at the beep....SHIBBITYBEEP
by ashley August 27, 2004
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Shibby is anything, a verb : Shibbying- Drinkin booze or smoking mary janes. Noun : Shibby- Booze or pot
Dude, bring your own shibby.
Hey baby, that was some serious shibbying we did last night huh?
by Blink 182 punk August 22, 2003
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THe stupidest word ever...ever invented.
opularized by the movie, "Dude, Where's My Car?" this word still permeates our nation's youth in a sick...uhm...permeating manner.
No offence to the movie tho, i love that movie.
Harold and Kumar is Better tho
"dude wheres my car-obsessed guy": whoa dude, like, lets totally go hit up that totally shibby putt putt
"other guy": uhm sure why not but first. *hands 1st guy harol dnad kumar* watch this its better than DWMC
by Adrian Tepes January 3, 2006
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leslie, steve, rick and dave...see also cool, awesome, rad, ill, rockin, pimp ass, amazing, groovy and all other words meaning cool
that was soooo shibby when steve told soi.john to fuck off
by (fill in em olyric here) December 7, 2005
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