the concotion of different substances, usually food together to make one single bieng and state of food. sandwiches can be used in all different ways such as washing machines, household objects, and they are great to hide small legoes or toys, drugs, etc in. they are found all over the world and are different wherever you may go.
ima go make a sandwich

i hid some coke in my sandwich

i accidently vaccumed my sandwich

i had a pesto and cheese sandwich for lunch today and as well as everyday

i put what i want in my sandwich bitch!!
by patty dub November 8, 2007
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1. Two or more slices of bread with a filling such as meat or cheese placed between them.

2. A partly split long or round roll containing a filling.

3. One slice of bread covered with a filling.

4. Something resembling a sandwich.

5. What Billy must not forget.
Billy! Don't forget your sandwiches, that I made you. Sandwiches.
by Peter May 1, 2004
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The move one does to place one's self in-between (literally or figuratively) the two most attractive members of the opposite sex in any social group. The most common and irritating kind is when the one performing the sandwich is also physically desirable.
Did you see her sandwich herself inbetween those two last night?? That enigma needs to leave some for the rest of us!
by TheFartingEnigma April 24, 2011
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When you park your car in a big, empty spot on the street only to return later and find that two different people parked very closely in front and back of you.

While not (always) impossible to get out of, they are usually very tricky.
Ah great. I'm sandwiched in. I can't go anywhere until one of them pulls out.
by Gaaraofthedamned April 30, 2012
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When you have the legs of someone super cute who you adore tangled in between your legs under the covers with the lights off
Boyfriend: gotta respect the sandwich :)
Girlfriend: haha I'm gonna take the piss
by Ted talks 101 November 10, 2019
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An omniscient, all seeing being who rules over all living creatures including the underworld. Sandwich's mere presence strikes fear into God himself. Sandwich is responsible for leading souls into the underworld and is best known for starting every single war in world history. Our only purpose in life is to count down the days until the day of repentance to sandwich. We shall succumb to each and every single one of his desires.
by beningitus October 12, 2019
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I have two slices of bread, and in the middle of those I will put every ingredient in my kitchen on it. Slap the other piece of bread on the bitch and boom sandwich.
by Im_bored22 March 25, 2020
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