When two men wander into a cemetary and dig up a women's dead body. One of them puts there face right next to her vagina while the other jumps on the girls stomach to see what bodily fluids pour out onto the others face.
Mike: Hey steve I'm feeling really kinky right now. Want to go romping? I was looking in the obituaries and I saw this really hot girl that just died.
Steve: Hell yeah I'll go...I got dibs on my face in her vagina first.
Mike: Fine but next time I get that spot.
by J-Mully September 10, 2009
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a sexual activty
torrie romped jess
by jess August 14, 2003
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To fuck without mercy, so bad one might actually feel bad for the recipient.
Johnny: Did you hear about Bella getting romped?

Zach: Yea, i heard she got the donkeypunch

Johnny: Oh yea, don't forget that mean hot carl
by BlackDragon44 June 14, 2011
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orginates from little kids you play around little to hard. these kids evenutally grow up as do the games they play. the act of sex.
You wanna romp.
by kaleena March 3, 2003
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1. To chill.
2. To blaze.
3. To rock.

Can be also be said "rompING, rompER, or rompED"
"Yo man, lets just go romp."
"Shit I'm burning out, lets go romp agian"
"That dude is so cool, he fucking ROMPS!"
by Layla Jane Ward November 28, 2007
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To be given free, extra or more shit when someone gives something to you.
"My friend at Maccas romped me 12 chicken nuggets when I bought a 6 pack."
"He romped me an extra large cone 'coz it was my b'day."
"I got romped a free T-shirt, 'coz I bought so much shit."
by Diego August 26, 2003
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A girl with a lower back that arches perfectly into their ass.
by Brown Gallager March 19, 2007
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