A commonly used word for a bug known as woodlice.
the rolly polie rolled into a rolling ball.
by mkrynski April 6, 2008
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A but rolly is a roll up cigarette made from the remaining tobacco of used cigarette butts. Butt rollys are commonly made on the morning after partys when one is desperate for a cigarette.
"hey trevor, we have no cigarettes left!"

"not a problem, ill make us a Butt rolly"
by Whoahhh September 4, 2009
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When an over-weight woman places her fat rolls on the mans penis and proceeds to jack him off with her fat rolls.
Dude, I just got a rolly polly by that fat bitch on our hall.
by Jobinhammer101 December 3, 2009
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A young woman (13-16 yrs.) who is indescribably unatractive. Used for that range of ugliness previously defying description. May be used as base of personal pronoun representing a distinct person Scrolly-Rolly Ying Yang.
I was in the band room and saw Clint holding hands with Scrolly-Rolly Ying Yang.
by C. Wright May 10, 2005
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A sexual partner shits upon one's chest or stomach area before rolling around in it, spreading the faecal matter over the body.
I wanted out, but she did a full brown rollie on me.
by WAnchor March 5, 2014
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