a mildly epic maneuver which involves one person taking a dump in the other person's mouth, allowing one end to hang out like a cigar. Then, you light the end hanging out on fire, thus creating the illusion that they are smoking a cigar.
"Dude, i totally pulled a Raunchy Cuban on that chick at the party!"

"No way? How did you do that?"

"She was passed out, so I ran up and did it! She wouldn't stop puking afterwards!"
by DorkishHobo June 17, 2008
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the sex act that involves the licking of mayonnaise off the body of a hot dude, especially when he is sweaty after physical exertion
I performed a raunchy reyes on him after he ran a marathon.
by Marcos Ayala March 11, 2008
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We luv the raunchy turtle it rules you cant get better
Me, Alex and marrisa doing the raunchy turtle ! Carribean 2008 awesome
by Ryan-TheBritishGuy April 16, 2008
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The action of ejaculating at a high velocity usually over 100 miles per hour.
I'm gonna raunchy-launchy inside my entire family because my homie dared me to and because my family is hot as FUCK!
by John W. Lennon January 23, 2023
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a person who shows raunchyness,
a person who likes lizards, boobs, and alecs.
-damn thats girls a raunchy randall
by tinnie snooks September 18, 2011
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a steak that looks and smells sketchy and tough (hence coming from a dead cow) but tastes great.
He had a really raunchy steak but everybody wanted a piece of his meat.
by apebutt June 19, 2011
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A name for McDonalds by people who normally don't eat there.
Shawn wants to go to Raunchy Don's after a night of heavy drinking.
by Bigote Raul November 20, 2015
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