when you do a favor for a friend because he's your bro, but you expect him to do a similar favor for you in the future.

not a sexual favor though, because that would be gay.
bro #1: ok bro, i'll fix up your computer quid pro bro.

bro #2: yeah but bro like what do you mean?

bro #3: you will see.
by Maclol September 9, 2008
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Noun Phrase/adjective from Latin: "something in place of/(in exchange) for something." Implies a reciprocal or mutual exchange relationship. Note, the Latin does not mean "What for What."
Noun Phrase: "He stole my bike, I stole his boyfriend, I'd call that quid pro quo."
Adj.: "'I scratch your back, you scratch my back' implies a quid pro quo relationship."
by Pathei Mathos December 20, 2005
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Agreeing to do something for someone but only for something in return.
Quid Pro Quo in context:
"I want you to do us a favor though" -President Donald J. Trump in regards to releasing the Congress-approved military aid to Ukraine.
by CosmicGalacticat November 6, 2019
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Quid pro ho refers to the act of celebrities ho'n themselves out for ticket, cd and merchandise sales. Shameless cross self promotion.
Chris Brown and Rihanna are in a quid pro ho relationship... actually a crazy quid pro ho love triangle with Jay Z.
by kelstermcgil June 27, 2013
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A phrase used to describe a specific type of relationship where a bro will preform any sort of favor or service in exchange for sexual intercourse with a hoe.
Matt: "Bro, Niki let me fuck last night, all I had to do was help her with her accounting homework."

James: "Are y'all dating now?"

Matt:"Nope, it's a classic Quid Pro Hoe situation. We just bang when I help her out."
by JJSuave September 25, 2017
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A favor or advantage granted to your bro in return for goods or services. Used to make bros even.
A-"Thanks for bailing me out of that one, Bro Montana"
B-"No problem, but just to make it all Quid Pro Bro, I'm taking your sister out on a date next week"
by jrkl September 23, 2009
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When you get your booty call to score you something you need.
She wanted to come over and bang but I was out of weed so I made her bring some, quid bone bro.
by mtnthc October 18, 2016
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