1. some one who lives in Kitimat, BC

2. some one who has sexual relations with a horse/poney
guy: dude i just saw someone fucking a horse

other guy: aww, what a poney pounder
by Count Crotchula July 19, 2008
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A slang term for Army or ground based units, often used by Airforce or similar units that use air-based mobility (i.e. helicopter pilots, VTOL pilots)
How about we give those ground pounders some air support!!
by Ivan Rudakov January 16, 2006
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White man slang for an African American mans penis. Often times used during jealous or disgusting references.
Shit man, that movie has purple pounders in it!

Ahhh damn, turn that sick shit off!
by NJC March 29, 2005
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A large cannon, typically used during the American Civil War
"But when he put his arm around 'er,
He smiled fierce as a forty pounder..." ~Dixie (song)
by Ayy Lmao Alien July 2, 2016
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Person of Hawaiian descent.
He's a "poi pounder" from Kaneohe. (Can also be used as a dis when used as a directive: "He called me a haole, so I told him to 'pound poi'...")
by Chaeron August 15, 2007
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US Army slang in common use during the Vietnam War. It is a derogatory term for a non-combat soldier or an officer who calls unnecessary drills or parades.
Get your gear! The new Ltwants us to parade for a kit inspection!
Sheeit! That STRAC REMF is a real ground pounder!
by AKACroatalin March 8, 2019
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A person that spanks the monkey or punches the clown. Also known as clown boxer.
That monkey pounder is an asshole
by Dakota383b April 26, 2016
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