It's basically when you say "Me am I, I am Me" so many times you descend to another level of life. For every week you say "Me am I, I am Me" you gain 1 IQ which is why people like Aristurtle were so smart. A common perk of becoming a top-tier Philosopher is that you become a Kung-Fu master and also a turtle.
Guy 1 - Have you watched the movie Kung-Fu Bear yet. The Urugway guy said "Me am I, I am Me" so many times he became a Kung-Fu master! Now THAT is philosophy at its fullest. I mean, he became a TURTLE, a literal TURTLE.

Guy 2 - Yeah dude, I know. Have you watched the new premier of Teenage Ninja Mutant Turtles? The producer thought that maybe people weren't watching the show because most of the people that did watch it are now adults, so it's now "Middle- Aged Depressed Mutant Turtles. I'm Pretty sure the turtles became Ninjas because they did that too.

Guy 1 - Wait, IS THAT MY DA... oh wait it's just a turtle.

Guy 2 - Well ok the...

Guy 1 - WAIT DAD
by Qinhlerjano December 1, 2019
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A course that many college students are required to take as part of their core curriculum. The subject consists basically of all the shit you would think about when you are high.
Tom: Did you understand anything from Goldstein's philosophy class?
Brian: Nah, dude, I'm way to sober... we have to bake before next class.
Tom: Forshizzle
by TheColonelSanders October 26, 2010
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There are as many philosophies as there are people.
by Downstrike May 24, 2004
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1. The love of knowledge. Also associated with argumentation and reasoning. Usually mentioned when talking about the ancient philosophers, such as Plato and Socrates.

2. A typically useless major in college, unless you want to get a Ph.D. in it or go to law school.
I majored in philosophy in college, and now I clean toilets for a living.

P and not P? That is a paradox.
by Smooth B May 5, 2004
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The study of processes through which the different natures of reality are comprehended, often working from priori principles. Unlike science which is organised knowledge, philosophy is organised study of the means through which knowledge is derived.
Student: I can calculate how long it will take for this car to reach the ramp’s end based on earth surface conditions and calculus.
Oddities: yes, but through what means have you derived such postulates? Secondly, whatever observations are then made shall only be comprehend due to the chemistry of your brain piecing together a substitute for the transcendental reality.
Student: I think it’s better if we don’t think about that shit.
by Fromadripunderpressure February 2, 2019
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Hey all you fuckin hippies:

Contemplate that!


by Think About It.... May 5, 2005
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