The people that make you then try to control you. You MAY or MAY NOT like them. Unless you wanna become a social reject i suggest you rebel AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Between curfew and making u look stupid as hell i think you'd agree with me.
My parents made me a social reject my entire life. When i was a kid they made me dress in cheap ass clothes that were undersized and beat up k-swiss to school. (Im BLACK what tha fuck do i look like wearin a fuckin moldy v-neck!?) When i told them i was bein picked on they basically told me to "shut the fuck up". (imagine spending 10 years of your life feeling/looking like crap while your step-mom precedes to spend your DAD's money to buy a fuckin house an 2 cars)

When i finally did start to make "friends" (when they werent insultin me) my peoples would make gay ass rules like be home at 9 (never mind the fact that your avergage MIDDLE SCHOOLER comes home at like midnight these days) yeah way to turn me into the group's killjoy.

Now that im a teenager i gotta get a job n i cant/shouldnt be askin them for money. OK, Thats cool but HOW DA FUCK ARE YOU GONNA MAKE A FUCKIN 16 YEAR PAY YOU BACK FOR INSURANCE THAT THE GOVERNMENT MADE YOU PAY FOR.

In conclusion, while parents may feed you n give you a place to live they can also turn you into a low selfesteem havin piece of shit

When i move away im GONE for good....
by damn assholes.... July 21, 2008
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Stupid, ignorant, heartless, " want the best for you in a fake love kind of way " (when it's really the worst).

Don't forget, self medicated, annoying, grumpy, and think they're the best at everything, prude, and old.
Parents just grounded me for being late to class, what's that supposed to do? Make me want to attend class or skip school to see my friends since I no longer can after?
by EverybodyDanceNow. March 7, 2011
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Adult who acknowledges that although education and propagation of scientific knowledge has improved since their youth, believes they are still always the victor of an argument with someone younger, specifically their own children.
Me: But this teacher is f**king insane, you said it yourself, how can you defend her giving me a Saturday detention!
Her: Are you daring to use logic against me in an argument? Do you want more punishment?! I'm the parent here!
by Confused... June 29, 2010
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To discriminate against a parent; the act of presuming a parental response without foundation for said presumption; the conduct of being biased againt a parental figure
Patricia's biased opinion of her father is an unfair example of parentism.
by Don Mcgrec April 7, 2016
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I am surprised that this is not defined here yet. It is a popular phrase that parents use to make their opinions seem especially important, even when discussing matters that have absolutely nothing to do with children and parenting. This is done under the delusion that being a mother or father will automatically make their comments more respected by others.
"As a parent, I feel that the crispy M&Ms were better than the pretzel ones."
"As a parent, I think the earlier seasons of 'The Simpsons' were the best."
by Anne1203 October 7, 2013
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