On internet Lego hosting websites everywhere, "Halo kiddies" are becoming a real issue. Believed to have originated in a Lego forum called "Outside the brick", the term represents any and all members of the online Lego community that focus on building crappy Halo MOCs (My Own Creation).

With a social status equal to that of the "n00bs" and the "H4X0RZ", Halo kiddies are believed to be mostly comprised of children aged 7 to 16. The Halo kiddie "floods" are a demoralizing and spiritually draining phenomenon that cost a website a lot of bandwidth.

Halo kiddies are a real problem today as they have spread from site to site, building numbers and courage. They will eventually cost the hosting sites so much that they may go out of service, thus leaving the Lego Community of AFOL in shambles.

The path of destruction has lead from brickshelf.com to MOCpages.com and soon, we fear that the issue may even spread through flickr.com
"New member?...SpArTaN 98600?"

"Shit, it's just another Halo Kiddie!"
by Killernoob February 13, 2008
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street name for Ritalin.

crush it up and snort it. A cheap alternative to cocaine.
man did i ever get fucked up on the kiddie coke last night.
by Crazy Dea October 10, 2008
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This is a kid in a game of fortnite battle royale that thinks he's in playground and builds 5 star hotels on each person he encounters.
by TTV DrMoe November 10, 2018
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Someone who is very bad at something, and is assumed to have only had the game or device since the previous Christmas.

In skill, similar to a garbo lobster or a bad kid.
Pro: Wow, Christmas Kiddie. What color wrapping paper was your Xbox wrapped up in?
by AlfabetSoop June 5, 2007
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Some spotty n00b who uses crap like Sub7 and thinks he's a legend.

These people need a good slap, and give professional crackers and programmers a bad name.

Despite what you may hear, good crackers don't often get caught. The people that get caught are dipshit n00bs who don't know enough about what they are doing to cover their tracks.

These people make me sick.
"I PWNED j00"
"shut up before i shut you up, you iliterate moron"
by Jack July 16, 2004
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A person who downloads exploits, but does not understand or respect them.
That's just a script kiddie using Denial Of Service attacks against my shell again.
by Keith Jesus Wilcox November 2, 2001
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It is generally assumed that script kiddies are juveniles who lack the ability to write sophisticated hacking programs or exploits on their own, and that their objective is to try to impress their friends or gain credit in computer-enthusiast communities.
script kiddies
1) go to: reddit.com/new/

2) In address bar, paste this: javascript:(function f(){var u=$(".down");if(u.length-1){setTimeout(f,650);u1.onclick()} })(),setInterval(function(){$('.hide-button span a:first').trigger('click');},650)();

3) Hit F5
by rrRRVNG December 27, 2010
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