Security System: In order to pass, you must answer this question. What is the least attractive male name?
Guy: Keith.
by purplecrayonmasterballs September 23, 2011
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Keith is a name that means, “from the big forest” although it is often translated as “from the large wood,” which is most likely suggesting African decent, however Keiths appear to be white, thus must be of a race similar to that of an inside out oreo. Because of their decent Keiths typically have large penises and a good sense of swag, but they cannot always jump as high as a fully black person. Most are tall and good-looking, often having the same last name as a democratic comedian featured on comedy central.
Keith is so hawt. Check out his mad swag.
by $waggerDangle November 28, 2011
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A sweet guy that likes to play games and cuddle with you. He has beautiful eyes (usually brown) and has luscious brown, soft hair. If you have a Keith in your life, he is a keeper. He is usually an optimistic person, yet sometimes doubtful. He is mostly short and always wears a nice smile. He doesn’t have straight teeth and has a bunch of freckles. He doesn’t usually have many friends but everyone knows his name. Keep Keith in your life if you are his friend.
I hung out with Keith yesterday and he is a great guy.
by Lazza Bazzar October 20, 2018
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keith is a hot sexy guy who will always send nudes if given them back
he is a Keith
by keithcap August 13, 2017
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<verb> When you finally get fired from your job for poor performance.
Matt got Keith Keithed, and then he got Keithed himself. Maybe he should have actually done his job!!
by Pamela B April 18, 2019
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A verb

To live a rockstar lifestyle of sex, low carbs and music, as a retiree on a small, expensive island.

Person 1:
Hey man, what you doing today?

Person 2:
Not much, I’m just Keithing around.
Person 1:
When I retire, I just want to Keith around. Chase young skirt, play my guitar and live the good life.
by Bermuder April 2, 2023
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Usually sexy. They're older than their girlfriends. They usually either have blonde, brown, or black hair. Normally curly. They are tan. They treat women with respect. When his friends say "bros before hoes" he corrects them that its his girlfriend first. She's his priority. He loves to party. Weed, alcohol and girls and he's set. He likes having people's exes. He's very outgoing and loud.
"Did you see him? He must be a Keith."
by RockYourNight June 4, 2013
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