The end of you're social life. What you will die from before Senior year due to the enormous amount of work, IA's, IB exams, and the dreaded EE aka Extended Essay. And i'm only in Pre-IB.

Kill me now.
AP kids. Don't even complain. You guys have nothing compared to us
IB kids: Smart enough to get in, dumb enough to stay in
by bean cup December 10, 2009
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Irritate Broman Syndrome

To irritate Broman to the point where he has to body you and put you in his montage.
Oh shit! Fernando has IBS! Now he is gonna get bodied by Broman!
by SSB Deuce February 25, 2020
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A program that aims directly at destroying the hearts and souls of anyone that gets accepted. Although commonly thought to be a gifted program, all it does it teaches you how to have very high levels of stress. Some benefits of this program are that is teaches you that you can do a major project in one night if you put your mind to it
IB Student: "I just did my whole IA in one night."
Normal Student: "OMG, I had to write a THREE paragraph essay last night, school is so hard."
by Anonymous IB Student September 27, 2017
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Stands for the international baccalaureate. It is a deadly program design to turn the purest of kids to FORTNITE. This program teaches you how to bullshit and waste your time and force you to have no social life. The only reason you do this program is to have an excuse to look down on all the HSC kids.
Oh you're doing IB? Have fun with having shit teachers, no social life and not friends apart from your IB mates and still failing.
by ooft mate February 18, 2019
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In IB you can choose two from those three: Sleep, friends, good grades.
Dang, yesterday I went to bed at 4 because of IB
by Pepe the Meme and Frog September 30, 2019
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Navy seal training equivalent of high school, except there is no hell week, only hell year.
Soldi- I mean, students, who go through this training are often masters of stealth, as they are no where to be found socializing. In relation to that, they are also equipped with knowledge on how to deal with being captured behind enemy lines, as they have mad BSing skills, and enough acting skills to hide the 30 mins of sleep they had last night.
Normal Student: Yeah, I went through 3 tours in high school, I served in the dash 1 regiment. How about you?
IB student: Special operations, IB division
by halogensarestable July 31, 2018
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torture for students so that they have a 0.000001% increased chance of getting into uni
"She takes the IB so she's only half alive."
by ayyeeeeeeebrother October 9, 2019
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