A rodent that dwells with in a public restroom. Additionally a person who is a son of a bitch
Uh god, I was taking a shit in the men’s room and the shit house rat scurried across the floor.
by TheDumpman May 19, 2018
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A man that peers up over a bathroom stall wall to gaze at another man urinating or deficating.
Dude, I was taking a crap and that shit house pecker checker peeped up over the wall to look at me and my junk. What a mo!
by festus 1 November 6, 2012
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The act of hiding out in the bathroom to avoid an unfavorable task.
Leo: "where you been?"
Todd: "I saw you fuckers practicing PLF's so I pulled a shit house flim flam."
by AlexLewis November 17, 2016
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You use the term "brick shit house" to describe someone who is hideous looking. Usually this person has a disproportionate figure, uber short legs, or is just super fat.
Person A: "Do you see that huge ass person over there?"
Person Z: "Yeah, that bitch is build like a brick shit house."
by qwerpoiu November 19, 2009
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A big red brick house with doors that have no staircases to go down. With a ghetto rock driveway and a flat roof. Looks like a Giant outhouse.
I was looking to move on Lawler but when I saw the place was a brick shit house I chose to stay in my apartment.
by kathleen182 June 3, 2005
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Adj. Used to describe one who is particularly intoxicated, specifically due to alcohol consumption.
Dude, I see two of everything... Pass me another beer I'm getting shit house fucked up and having sexual intercourse with the least attractive woman here. High five!!!
by Rusty Dalton July 29, 2008
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