The feeling of complete bodily soreness the day after working out. Typically characterized by dreading getting out of bed, evading steps, avoiding heavy objects that need lifting, refraining from raising your arms above your head, telling people not to touch you, and a general lack of movement.
I got my butt kicked during my workout last night, and now I have a workout hangover. Please don't touch me.

Man, I could not get out of bed this morning. I was so sore from lifting and had a major workout hangover.

Person 1: I'm taking the elevator today.
Person 2: Why?
Person 1: I did squats yesterday, and I've got a workout hangover today.
Person 2: I completely understand. I won't touch you.
by jdavis5787 October 5, 2011
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When you stay up into the early hours of the morning playing Halo, then feel like crap the next day.
"I finally beat Halo 3 on LEGENDARY, but now I have and awful Halo hangover.
by Kowdee December 24, 2008
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When you feel incredibly depressed after a night of binge drinking and you're not sure why.
I can't get any work done today, I'm totally suffering from the hangover blues.
by dnogs December 15, 2011
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A sleep hangover occurs when someone sleeps too long or too late in the day that they get similar effects as a hangover.
Dan - Dude i just slept till 3:00 and i feel like shit.

Dave - You got a sleep hangover motha fucka!
by conconk August 15, 2011
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A mental disorder suffered by moderate looking to unattractive women who were very attractive less than five years earlier. Onset of this disease usually occurs between the ages of 24-28 and can last well into the 40's. The disease is marked by an overinflated sense of one's looks, accompanied by a standoffish attitude.
"Who does that gloopy mess think she is? Don't get me wrong, I'd still hit it, but she must think she looks the same as she did in college. That chubby, crow's feet having bitch has a bad case of hot hangover"
by woodchipper April 18, 2008
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The hangover one gets after attending a very awesome Coldplay concert the night before. Due mostly to reminiscing about the high pitched voice of Chris Martin and the awesome instrumental backup he's provided with.

People who have Coldplay hangovers will usually stay at home the day after the concert listening to their music on repeat and posting statuses about how awesome the concert was on social networking sites such as Facebook.
"Hey man, do you wanna go to that party on the 1st?"
"Nah, I'm sorry but I'm pretty sure I'm going to have a Coldplay hangover from their New Year's Eve concert."
"Aw man, I'm going to that concert too and I completely forgot about it. Looks like I'm going to call and cancel for the party."
by TheAlphonso January 2, 2012
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The feeling of extreme exhaustion and detachment from life during the days following Coachella. This is due to the three days of nonstop music, sleep deprivation, heat exhaustion, constant alcohol consumption and nonstop partying that occurs in the desert of California.
Dude, I slept for 16 hours after I got home from Coachella. I didn't even leave the house until Wednesday either, I had such a Coachella hangover from not seeing Arcade Fire and Foals anymore.
by firewoodjanke April 20, 2011
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