A cooling device perfected by Yakanaro Hirahito of South London, the refrigerator or fridge has become very common, especially in Antartica and regions of Iceland.
Father, fetch the tissue! I've just chubby juiced again!
by haze December 29, 2004
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1.someone getting really leary and rude
"Why You getting fridge!" "dont be getting fridge yeah"
by the pro January 2, 2006
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A person who is good looking or is generally awesome/epic.

''fridge'' is an alternative to using the word 'hot' or 'cool'. Also, the word ''fridge magnet'' is used to describe a person who attracts "fridges" (good looking/awesome/epic) people to them.
by TheMoldyOrange May 22, 2011
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food resource eat and eat till your heart is content if you have any food in it that is he he he he
by lADYSATAN September 26, 2003
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An insulting word for a fat person, insinuating that the person is the size of a fridge.
OMG... Chris your sister is a fridge
by gillbert the sharkboy January 11, 2011
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"That is So Fridged"
by Thenube23times November 20, 2012
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