"What you drinking on?" "Doggy fizzles cuz!"

Guy: Gimme a doggy fizzle
Bartender:What's a doggy fizzle?
Guy: Gin and Juice Bitch!
by King Swag May 26, 2006
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What blacks call it when one snorts a shit load of cocaine (over 8g).
-What up nigga?
-Not much G just shnizlin some fizzle.
-How much fizzle you shnizzlin boy?
-I'm shinnlin that fizzle
-Sweet Jesus did you really had to shnizzle that fizzle and save nones for me. Are you Ignant???
by Porz April 8, 2008
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the state of being homosexual; term used for guys, especially ones that work at cell phone stores and that ride crotch rockets

also used to describe a shitty rapper
"Dat dude is gayer than D Fizzle!"

"He's spits worse than D Fizzle!"
by sum playa October 2, 2007
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An interjection that is a synonym of pish posh and freakin' A.

Alternative spellings: phizzle phazzle
Oh fizzle fazzle! I forgot to pay my credit card bill dawg!
by Norm, Aaron, and Nate December 19, 2008
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JazzyFizzle is the bomb dot com. Thas my girl doh!
That's Jazz. She's more than jazz tho. That girls jazzy fizzle.
by Duke Westlake February 7, 2018
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1. To break down, stop working

2. To become really tired

3. To go out of business, shut down.
1. My hoopty hit the fizzle this morning. I gotta either get it fixed or get a new one

2. My shizzle hit the fizzle and I gotta go to the bizzle (I'm really tired and need to go to bed.)

3. Circuit City hit the fizzle in 2009.
by Mattshizzle74 December 28, 2010
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