A poo-encrusted ass dreadlock.
"That dingleberry stole my clothes while i was skinny-dipping"

by RGAS March 24, 2009
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dried up unwiped pieces of crap that cling to the hairs in between someone's ass cheeks.
Yo Rock you need to wash your ass so you can get rid of those dingleberries.
by vinman94 November 21, 2007
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its when you shit and poop gets caught in your asshair and hardens.

a dingleberry can go unnoticed
by dbone January 4, 2006
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One who always feels a need to tagalong often uninvited. One who follows somebody everywhere.
Jimbo's little brother is being a dingleberry and following me everywhere.
by DennisIsEvil October 15, 2005
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A little ball of shit hanging from one's ass-hairs(Usually in bunches).
As Kathy licked my grundle, a dingleberry fell into her mouth.
by yaykob April 2, 2007
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Noun, A small and most often a white ball of toilet paper, tissue paper or material fuzz tangled on one or more ass hairs or pubic hairs. Although a dingleberry is more common on men it is not uncommon on Italian or Middle Eastern women too wear during mating season. A Dingleberry, when ripe, is often brown but maybe red depending on dingleberry's anatomical location.
When Hunt bent over for the doctor a ripe dingleberry was present.
by Tom Tree April 29, 2008
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The remains of crap in ones ass hair because of not wiping properly or from extreme diarrhea. When performing rim jobs, beware of these.
Wow, that is one big dingleberry.

by Chrisssss February 10, 2006
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