A police baton. Draws a reference to the outdated practice of using a baton to filter the truth from a suspect.
"Deputy Dwane, get my alabama lie detector. Looks like we've got us a live one"
by sfy December 14, 2007
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A machine that is used by the Doctor, in the BBC series Doctor who. It goes ding when there's stuff.
*Alien monster fish beast flies overhead a blue box*
*Man comes out of blue box and chases after it screaming Allons y*

Timey-Whimey Detector: "DING"
by MEEEP!KATZEN! July 8, 2010
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My Gardner was using a Mexican metal detector out side
Of my bed room while I was trying to sleep
by Spoofster84 January 2, 2011
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A Roblox game by SakDevRblx_alt which detects whether or not a Roblox user is a furry by their username. In later updates, more detectors got added to the game. Instead of just furry detector, there is now weeb detector, maid detector, Edater detector, Thug detector, and slender detector. The game will determine the results by checking their avatar items, assets, favorites, badges, friends, user description, outfits, username, and display name.
Furry Detector 2.0 exposes Roblox players.
by Shwiiwvrhroelwn December 2, 2022
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Someone who adopted a pet lice and took it to the next level. Someone you pisses in you pool just to annoy you. Some one who HATES sharing there lice.
“AYO!, do me a favor and gimme some lice bro!” “NO YOU SMELLY WELLY !” “I AINT SHARING MY LICE!” “What a head lice detector!”
by Sam o shame ass July 6, 2021
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n. (Seh-ehcks deet-ehcktohr guhnn) 1. Used by the Jesus Patrol to find traces of sex, in spots wear Jesus most recently had or used sex.
"I've got Sex Levels at an all time high"
by Nizzoid November 16, 2003
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