a cutie is a person such as Noemi. <3
she´s the cutest person in the world and deserves all the love from it.
Also she hawt.
I only love cutie >:ccccc
by 0i.namlix March 29, 2021
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Galaxy and her cute little smile and laugh and just everything
Wow Galaxy is such a cutie
by TRUHeretic March 2, 2020
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A quarter pound of marijuana (4 oz) in reference to another common slang for a quarter pound. QP.
Person 1 - "Hey, got a cutie my dude?"
Person 2 - "Four sure, it's $280 for a QP."
by 420reasonswhy December 19, 2010
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Usually brown haired, very blue eyes with yellow speckly bits in the middle, Disney Prince eybrows that just smoulder, has the kindest heart known to man and the MOST AMAZING SHOULDERBLADES
Oh wow, did you see that guy with brown hair, blue eyes with yellow speckly bits in the middle, Disney Prince eyebrows and a kind heart-
You did?
Well turn around a get a good look at those shoulderblades

They are fiiiinnneee
What a cutie!!!
by Defonotbeingforcedtowritethis February 23, 2022
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Someone who is both equally cute and beautiful at the same time.
Dude, look at Claudia! Shes so cutiful!
by Ya Boi Bryson December 7, 2014
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you've but cutys
by fat batch March 18, 2004
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