The opposite of, or what comes before, the click. The romantic relationship has not yet evolved to the point where both people believe that they are meant for each other or that their partner is 'the one'. This phrase can also be applied to a friendship. The friends can have obvious chemistry and love one another but, in the end, it means nothing without the confession of mutual love, thus creating 'no click'.
Person A: ugh! It's so frustrating, Christine and Stevie are obviously in love. Why can't they just confess their feelings already?
Person B: they haven't had 'the click' yet.

Person 1: omg have you read that new New Year's Eve 'no click' fic yet?
Person 2: YES it was sooo good. Although, I was hoping for a little more than a kiss, if 'ya know what I mean?
Person 1: oooh you saucy minx!
by Christine heard The Click January 2, 2016
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Man bro, I got me in that click last night,
Lemme get yo click wet shawty
by Ace Bunnie December 3, 2006
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Slang term for a female CLITORIS, popularized by young, urban, nubian females of the finest stature.
Sucka, get off my click! (female version of get off my nutz)

Lick on this click, wigga!
by click biter December 19, 2005
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Can be either
1. a dick so small it resembles an enlarged clit.
2. a clit so large it resembles a small dick.
1. Oh my god billy, i don't think we can date. you look like you gotta a little click there.
2. oh my god allison, i don't think we can date. that clit is just to got yourself a click.
by Guillermo8789 April 15, 2008
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Drop 80 big on a Lavey Craft boat, take it to the middle of Lake Mojave, and shut it off. Then try and start it up.
Shawn enjoyed a nice click click with his fiancé over the Cinco de Mayo weekend.
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me and my homies or you and your homies
me and my click or you and your click
by Ben R. June 25, 2005
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