A disease that one may develope from sucking too much cach. symptoms include dizzyness; soar, pussing throat; ichy ears; swollen glans; and headaches. It is similar to mono.
My throat really hurts, i think Jay gave me Cach Suckis at the party last weekend.
by Jason Hammil April 10, 2007
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A suburb of Salt Lake City that is known for its' cheees and... well that about it, well actually it has the highest mormans per capita, oh! and we also have one of the worst colleges in the country Utah State University.
Artard: lets go to Cache Valley!
Pimp: nigga are you dumb? if we go to Cache Valley They'll convert us to Mormons and feed us stanky cheese
by cjpink February 12, 2007
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a term used to describe any sort of moccasin-esque style of footwear
Wow Lindsay, your shoes are hella cache creek.
by Reese January 24, 2005
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cheap jewelry left in your home after a one night stand
my costume cache consists of dozens of single earrings, broken necklaces, swatch watches, crappy bracelets and other trinklets left on my nightstand or on the floor and stored in a cigar box after a night of meanless debauchery from some women picked up at a bar.
by bullet88 September 28, 2010
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Cumming on someone.

Sperming in/around somebody.
"I emptied my chache all over her face."

"don't suppose you fancy emptying your cache all over my balloon knot?"
by Peggysue April 28, 2009
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When your internet browser is acting funky and cannot access certain websites.
User: "I can't log into this website."
IT tech: "Yep, looks like your computer is all cookied up and cached out. No problem, I'll clear it up and you'll be logged in in no time."
by Jerrod B August 15, 2007
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