when someone is sketch or doing sketch things, we call them baiter gators, cuz they be acting bait
that dude just pulled his pants down and ran across the street... what a baiter gator!! lmafo man's bait af!!
by SKTRMERCER01 December 7, 2017
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When you pretend to be a goat while being milked by a 3 beer queen.
My buddy and I went out for a beer and ended up as a dirty baiter
by Iminacultcallmydad April 4, 2020
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When you pretend to be a goat while being milked by a 3 bear queen.
My buddy and I went out for a beer and ended up as a dirty baiter
by Iminacultcallmydad April 4, 2020
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When you pretend to be a goat while being milked by a 3 beer queen.
My buddy and I went out for a beer and ended up as a dirty baiter
by Iminacultcallmydad April 4, 2020
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Reverse simping. When people act like a fuck boy to make people simp for them.
by Simp Catcher 420 May 7, 2020
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A guy who knows where to get the best bait He may have a dealer for it
Oh look at john hes catching all of those Hes gotta be a master baiter
by Big mans machine June 5, 2023
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